What is emotional wellness? Is it feeling happy or joyful all of the time? or most of the time? This would be denying a natural and human part of ourselves… the full spectrum of our emotions.
E-motion stands for energy in motion. Five element acupuncture explains the emotions through their connection with the seasons and each emotion can be felt in dis-ease and in wellness. The emotions associated with summertime are joy and sadness.
In Springtime we explored the nature of anger as it’s energy moves up and out- the same force that allows the growth to emerge in springtime. Full Article Here
Once the initial growth is well established, the interactions start to flourish. Now, in summertime, nature is at its full expression. Each complex ecosystem has communication between the soil the sun, the plants, the fungus, insects, animals and humans. In the five element system, summertime is all about relationships. There is playfulness, connection, joy, passion, and compassion and when these things are lacking, we often experience sadness.
The element associated with summertime is fire. This can manifest in many ways. The blazing bonfire is like a big party. A small group of friends can gather around a campfire. The flames flicker up and down similar to the tone of conversation with stories, cross conversation and sparks of laughter. And when the fire is low with glowing embers we can huddle close to the fire in a more intimate connection.
How does your fire express itself? Do you seek out and create connection with others? Or do you shy away? Does it energize you or drain your energy? What size “fire” is ideal for you? Does your presence make the “fire” in the room grow brighter? Or do you extinguish it? Can you keep the “fire” aglow when you are alone?
A healthy emotional state at this time is reflected in the health of our relationships. Connecting with others and maintaining healthy boundaries helps our inner fire burn moderately and cleanly. Of course this is easier said than done. Here are three practices to help you along your way.
Avoid the drama. If you notice yourself reacting when you are with others, take a deep breath and practice responding instead. One technique you can use to help you do this is called active listening- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_listening
Speak to serve the listener. Did you know that the words we choose shape the world around us? Before you speak, check within to see if the intention of your speaking is to benefit the person who is hearing. If not, it may be best to refrain from speaking at that time, or find another way to convey what you want to say that has a clear intention.
Listen to your heart. In any relationship it is a good practice to take some time to reflect inwards. It helps to find quiet stillness and then when thoughts arise, notice what you feel in your body. If there is a tightening, this may be a sign of dis-ease. You may need to change your situation or change yourself. If you can create a thought that relaxes and loosens your body, rejoice! It is most likely in line with your heart’s desires for effortless control. You may also take some time to feel connected to your divine self. How does that feel in your body?
Of course this is a deep and complex set of issues. My hope is that you become more mindful about your relationships with others and with your divine self. Once your emotional field is clear, you will find it is much easier to connect with others and cultivate healthy boundaries. And if you are challenged by a dramatic relationship or the sadness of loneliness, acupuncture can help! Call Rachel today for a free 15 minute consultation: 215-495-3229
Want more tips for staying well in summertime? Click here
“Even After All this time
The Sun never says to the Earth,
“You owe me.”
Look What happens
With a love like that,
It lights the whole sky.”― Hafiz